Madre invests proceeds from every bottle sold into communities of Oaxaca. A portion of total sales are directed to female-run non-profit organizations working to educate, empower, and give resources to women and underserved kids of Oaxaca. This is not a donation, it is an investment in community transformation and sustainable change.
Mano de Madre currently supports these organizations:
Consorcio is a grass-roots feminist organization that promotes respect and teaches the ability to exercise women’s human rights and gender equality in Oaxaca. Around the state in general (and especially during COVID quarantine), femicide and domestic violence are frequent occurrences in communities where there are very little resources and support. This project was designed to address the challenges that women face in being unable to safely and openly access public spaces, largely due to machismo cultural norms. On top of their many other successful projects and achievements, they have also brought together a series of businesses, educational centers and politicians who have formed part of a network, “Caminemos”, dedicated to providing safe spaces for women.
Madre Mezcal is supporting their initiatives in this project by providing funding that aides:
1) Education and training in topics like gender violence, women’s rights, and safety action plans.
2) Artistic installations in public spaces to give visibility to the Network while promoting dialogue on the topics it works to address.
3) Virtual performance in support of safe public spaces for women.
Join Madre Mezcal in supporting these initiatives HERE.

Sikanda is a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable local development in marginalized communities around Oaxaca. They facilitate various projects around the state, but Madre Mezcal has been actively supporting parts of their work in three specific areas:
1) The town of Zaachila has been under a gender alert since 2018, related to a high prevalence of gender-based violence. Sikanda gives legal support for the prevention and attention of violence against women.
2) Due to a community in Zaachila being in close vicinity of the dumpsite, medical expenses are amongst the main monthly expenses for women due to poor nutrition, lack of access to safe drinking water, and very limited income which negatively impacts family health. Sikanda refers women and youth who need medical attention and who are currently unable to access it since they formed an agreement with Clinica del Pueblo to receive funded medical services.
3) “Mujeres AVE” project supports education and workshops for 47 women at the community center that benefits over 500 people each year with different programs. Madre Mezcal has aided in the refurbishment of a second floor of the library that will help expand their reach.
Join Madre Mezcal in supporting these initiatives HERE.

Guiraa’ is a program for kids with disabilities primarily serving children of single mothers and people with more than one disabled family member in Oaxaca City. The majority of families who have a child with a disability are forced to choose between the many treatments and medical services for their child because of money and time pressures, so Guiraa’ currently supports 90% of their students through scholarships. Here, the kids receive one-on-one classes to learn speech, non-verbal communication, critical-thinking, motor skills and cognitive development.
Madre Mezcal is planning continued support in helping with their classroom costs such as rent, specialized furniture for people with cerebral palsy, and teaching materials suitable for children with autism and other special needs. Some of the kids in the scholarship program have very strong economic and health needs, so the remainder of Madre Mezcal’s donations are used to provide support in medical treatments, food supplies, or payments of scholarships with priority being given to support for single mothers.
Join Madre Mezcal in supporting these initiatives HERE.